
Dr. Aleksander Krupski
University of Wroclaw
Institute of Experimental Physics
Section of Electron Spectroscopy
Pl. Maksa Borna 9
50-204 Wroclaw
Tel.: +48 71 375 94 59
Fax.: +48 71 328 73 65
E-mail: akrupski@ifd.uni.wroc.pl

(5kB) Łukasz Poczęsny

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Bus transfer for participants from Bonn between Dresden and the WBWSPC-2006 conference site will be provided on Thursday, 23 March 2006. The bus will take the participiants from Dresden at the Railway Station (Hauptbahnhof Neustadt) at 1030 a.m.

On Sunday, 26 March 2006 the bus transfer for participants from Bonn between WBWSPC-2006 and DPG-2006 will be provided.

Wrocław has also flight connections. For details, please visit Wrocław website: http://www.wroclaw.pl/ms/english/