
Dr. Aleksander Krupski
University of Wroclaw
Institute of Experimental Physics
Section of Electron Spectroscopy
Pl. Maksa Borna 9
50-204 Wroclaw
Tel.: +48 71 375 94 59
Fax.: +48 71 328 73 65
E-mail: akrupski@ifd.uni.wroc.pl

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Presentation Guide

Oral Presentation

The lecture hall will be equipped with a standard projector for transparencies and a projector for PC. We will provide a MS Windows-PC with PowerPoint application installed on it. If you don't have your own laptop computer, please bring and transfer your presentation file either from a CD-rom or an USB-memory stick into our hard disk drive before your session, to avoid possible difficulties during the presentation. It is possible to use your own laptop-PC equipped with a standard display output. All the speakers are strongly recommend to bring a safety set of transparencies, too.

Poster Presentation

Poster session is scheduled for 20:00-22:00 on Friday, 24 March 2006. Poster size should be 100 cm (height) and 70 cm (width). All participants are asked display their posters as soon as possible - the best time is Friday morning. You can leave the poster after the poster session until the end of the conference to allow a further discussion.